About Us
Andy Assinck, inventor, spent a cold fall day in Ontario removing docks for the Canadian winter. Ending up with swollen fingers and strained muscles he decided there must be a better way. He recognized the need for a dock coupler system that would be self-contained, self-supporting and self-aligning, allowing most cottagers to set-up & take-down their dock easily. Andy knew every pain point in the old system and over time created a solution: The HitcHinge.
Andy’s clever idea? “Made up of two integral parts; the "Hitch" is a gripping flange that retains an actuation bolt and locking tooth, and the "Hinge" is a flange which consists of an outer sleeve over an inner bushing and end plate washers on a fixed axis pin. This offers an extended range of motion and durability. It is the best dock coupler on the market.”

The Next Stage.
Mike & Bill, who have cottages near Andy, saw the HitcHinge and knew it was a game changer.
They met with Andy and Rita, excited by the potential of his invention.
They leveraged their business experience in manufacturing, marketing and distribution to partner with Dock Edge to bring this product to the world!